Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sin Creature

Sin Creature

Slowly, stealthily, the creature crept out of its pit. A yellow gleam in the eye and a hiss inside the throat revealed its nefarious delight in seeing its victims standing before him. Its partially scaled, partially hairy black body was not too big to be formidable; but oh, certainly big enough to beat down any one of these unfortunate humans who dared rebel his touch.

* * * 

“Crystal! CRYSTAL!”

My door swung open and I jerked upright in my bed. What? It’s three in the morning! “Calm down, Katie!” I said. “What is it?”

Katie’s eyes grew large and her voice lowered to a whisper. “It’s out again!”

The musty little trailer I had just moved into took on an even more sinister atmosphere as I realized what she meant. The time had come. Throwing my damp, lumpy quilt around my shoulders and stepping into my slippers, I rushed outside with Katie. “I’m taking care of this, Katie. Don’t worry.”

I followed Katie to the back of the village, and into the deep forest. “You say this happens every night?” I asked.

Katie nodded. “Every night.” Her voice was tight with fear.

I had heard absurd and creepy descriptions of this creature. Not that it scared me though—this was my duty.  But as we walked deeper into the forest, my heart quickened.

Obvious terror marked every face around the pit. All eyes were trained on one old man, who shook as though a shock of electricity were shooting through him. But I saw no creature! Then I remembered that this was believed to be a spiritual manifestation, so I ought to pray for my eyes to be opened.

“Do you see it?” asked Katie.

I shook my head. Holy Spirit, open my eyes. I paused. And let me not be afraid when I do see.

And then I saw it. A hideous black creature that looked like sin itself was standing up on the electrified man, licking the area over his heart.

Katie screamed when it clambered toward her, but became silent as it made eye contact with her.

“Sin Creature, STOP! In Jesus’ name STOP!” I was surprised when it did not heed my command.

“It’ll stop when finished,” an old woman said. “Always does.”

At last the creature crawled into its pit. The spell broken, everyone sighed with relief.

Why didn’t it stop? What’s this thing anyway? I was not about to let this continue another night.

Then God spoke to me. Crystal, this creature is the embodiment of sin. Many years ago, the villagers committed a sin that has woven itself into a dreadful creature that now haunts them every night. Only repentance will release them from its grip.

In as simple words as possible, I explained to Katie and the others that Jesus had died for their sins to free them from Sin Creature. They had only to repent and believe in Jesus’ power, and they would be relieved of Sin Creature’s power.

Solemnly, they confessed their sins and thanked Jesus for his sacrifice. Smiles shone in their eyes as the Holy Spirit filled their hearts.

“Now you have authority to destroy that sinful thing!” I exclaimed.

With joy in their faces and confidence in their hearts, they marched back to overcome their sin together.

“Come out, Sin Creature!” they called.

Confused, Sin Creature crept back up.

“We’re done with you!” The old man threw a stone at it.

“Can’t torment us any more!” An elderly lady hammered it with her broomstick.

“Our sins are forgiven us!” A young man shouted as he kicked the writhing creature.

Sin Creature groaned as it wriggled toward Katie.

“In Jesus’ name, LEAVE!” She shouted, pointing to the pit. “And don’t EVER return!”

Sighing and moaning, the beaten creature fell backwards into its pit. The pit closed up, swallowing the village’s sin forever.

The people erupted in cheers. “We’re free!”

That night, a heavy rain began falling. In this rain, the villagers stood with open arms, letting the grime wash off their clothes, off their skin. No more stains of sin were left on any of them.

That was a year ago. Since that rain, a large pool of cleansing water lies over the area where the pit used to be. Yes, the villagers are still human and make mistakes, but now each time they do, they bathe in the Waters of Remembrance and ask the Lord for forgiveness.



- Crystal Dueck (May 2009)

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