Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Progress on my Book!

I have completed Chapter TWELVE! 

I'm really excited about my progress I've made in writing out the first draft of my book. I remember when I first had a dream that one night in 2005. It was so vivid and so mysterious that I knew I absolutely must write it down. It turned out to be a five page dream. More than two years later, I rediscovered it in my writing drawer. I reread it, and realized that this was really amazing novel material. 

Shortly after arrival in Redding, CA, my dreams of writing a book came back to me pretty strongly. So every time I got the chance, I took my binder of notes to the prayer house and began outlining my book. I remember how excited I was to finally have completed my drafting out all my chapters, and then deciding to split my 34+ chapters into a two book series rather than one big fat 500 page book. 

And then I began writing. Slowly, I churned out chapter after chapter.I worked on it for months. And now we're back in Canada for the summer, and I'm still working at it every chance I get.

I'm done Chapter Twelve, and already halfway done Chapter Thirteen. I can hardly believe it. Chapter Eight marks the half-done milestone. But I'm beyond half done! Chapter Twelve marks the 3/4 milestone. I'm already past that too! 

God is so good to me. Sometimes I felt completely uncreative and uninspired. But the Holy Spirit has been intimately involved with each part of my progress, and thanks to Him, I've been able to come this far. I am so grateful for that. If God ever lays it on your heart to pray for me as I write, please do so. I greatly appreciate knowing someone supports me in prayer.

God bless you!



  1. Hey Crystal!
    I'm very happy to hear that your book is coming along well. You'll have to send a copy this way once you're done. I just wanted to say hey and tell you to keep going strong. You are amazing.
    God bless.
    Nancy :)

  2. Thanks Nancy! I appreciate that. I tried clicking your name to view your profile on Blogger but it says your profile can't be viewed by the public... So if you will want to buy my book you'll have to let me know where to send it to!!! :D God bless you too! ~Crystal~
